Multiplier Event in Slovakia
Quality in e-Learning Conference was organized in cooperation with the Košická akadémia in Košice on 29 March 2023.
Objectives of the conference were:
- to present the outputs of the project and promote the online platform
- to increase the number of users of the benchmarking tool
- to create more interconnection between the participants of the project
- to demonstrate the usefulness of a benchmarking tool, especially during the crisis that followed the pandemic
- to spread the idea that e-learning provision needs to apply quality criteria for VET education
- to exchange experiences and good practices among participants
- to present and discuss the winners of the Quality Badge in Slovakia
Examples of good practice and experience from providing e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as expected actions and changes in distance education, were presented by experienced practitioners.
- e-Learning vs traditional classroom
- Experience with VET implementation in Slovakia
- SCUM methodology in teaching and learning
- Education in mathematics during the Covid 19 pandemic