The BEQUEL quality assurance framework for e-learning practices
The model of the Quality Assurance Framework is located in an external supportive environment that explicitly recognises quality as the value of work and enables the educational institution's institution's objectives to be achieved. The external environment must provide support and advice at the national level for continuous improvement.

External environment: it is assumed that e-Learning for VET can only be implemented successfully if certain external requirements are met. These include legal frameworks being in place, and the institution/organisation having access to the necessary hardware and software
Strategic management: means that the e-Learning goal meets students' students' requirements from any location, uses and works with their knowledge and skills, and prepares them for the professional and academic arena to contribute to a democratic and sustainable global development within society in the 21st century. Further objectives are to encourage widening recruitment and lifelong learning, facilitate attractive study and learning environments both on Campus and virtually, and increase and encourage strong development of the leader, teacher, and employee excellence.
Risk: means, according to (ISO 21001, 2018) ""the effect of uncertainty where an effect is a deviation from the expected -- positive or negative and uncertainty is the state, even partial, of deficiency of information related to, understanding or knowledge of, an event, its consequence, or likelihood".".
The curriculum design, course conception, and course delivery: mean continuous quality assurance through validation processes and planned according to student requirements, scientific development, and community needs.
The staff support: means a greater focus on scholarships for teaching and learning, constructive alignment, and encouragement of pedagogical qualification and recognition.
e-Learning inputs:
- Experts for creating e-Learning courses.
- Trained teachers in creating and providing e-Learning courses.
- Students are involved and have access to electronic infrastructure (i.e. e-Resources and the e-Library independent of place, time, and languages).
e-Learning outcomes:
- Learning outcomes - are a detailed description of what a learner knows, understands, and can do at the end of the learning process to ensure that the individual learning objectives of the programme are fulfilled. It is stated in the content of knowledge, skills, and competencies.
- Skills - the ability or art of easily and accurately applying knowledge and performing a certain cognitive, psychomotor or social activity.
- Competency - is the proven ability of a person to perform a specific professional activity.
Skills, together with knowledge and competencies, serve as the structural characteristics of learning outcomes.
Monitoring and measurement: determining the status of a system, a process or an activity. Measurement process to determine a value.
and risks: finance,
knowledge, and technical support can limit the process of providing quality
e-Learning. The effect of uncertainty manifests itself as a risk.