A quality Assurance Framework Used in VET Organisations in Italy (UNI/PdR 89)
The Reference Practice UNI/PdR 89 was published in Italy in July 2020. It was created with the contribution of ACCREDIA (Italian Accreditation Body), UNI (Italian National Unification Body) and FIDAE (Italian Federation of Educational Activities).
UNI/PdR 89 is applicable to all schools and training providers that carry out distance learning, e-learning and mixed learning and can be applied all over the world, since its content is compatible with any legislation.
The purpose of the document is to provide school operators with an organizational reference model useful for keeping under control all the activities related to distance and mixed teaching and to guarantee compliance with both the legislative requirements and the qualitative models defined for distance learning in the training offer of the single school. Hence, it intends to lay the foundations for a reference model for the development of innovative teaching methodologies based on use of new technologies.
UNI/PdR 89 is structured on two levels:
- the first includes the general requirements for the organization of the school/VET provider with respect to the development of digital teaching;
- the second is instead made up of as many as 21 supplementary appendices to the general part ("from A to Z") which represent the richest part of the document, since they contain guidelines, models and best practices to which all schools/VET providers are able to draw on to build their own educational offer.
At the time of drafting this article, BEQUEL's partner CIOFS-FP is currently in the process of revising the documents of its quality management system, taking into account both this Reference Practice and the lessons learnt and quality assurance tools used in the last two years.
Source: UNI/Pdr 89