Transforming education and facilitating its transition to the digital era, has been a priority in the EU for the past years, even before COVID-19. The Digital education Action Plan (2018) identified 3 priorities and set out measures to help member states and education institutions address the challenges of digital transformation and provision of distance learning. In October 2020, the new Digital Education action plan was announced, which acts as a call to action for stronger cooperation at EU level to learn from the COVID-19 crisis and make education and training systems for the digital age.

The central idea of the project is to develop an on-line benchmarking tool for quality assurance of eLearning provision practices in VET education. The project is going to be a continuation of the previous BEQUAL and BEQUAL.App projects, which developed benchmarking tools for quality assurance in organisational practices and in apprenticeships, and it is going to act as a response to the post COVID-19 need to increase distance and online education in VET and the competencies of VET teachers.